Consultation on the future of Bude-Stratton

The Town Council is partway through one of its biggest pieces of consultation to date. In a bid to improve engagement levels with the community, we are asking for the public to air their views on how public money should be spent in the local area and what projects have their backing for the future.

A short survey covers everything from community group provision, events in the town, conservation projects, climate change, improved transport links, and more. The responses received will be put forward to help shape The Bude-Stratton Strategic Programme, which outlines plans and aspirations for future of Bude-Stratton.

The Town Council work with Cornwall Council, the Local Enterprise Partnership and Bude Coastal Communities Team to achieve these projects.   

If you think more space should be made available to community groups, or a new skate park should be built, or want to see improvements in Bude Town Centre, now is your time to have your say.

The easy-to-use survey does not take long to complete and you can really have an input into shaping the future of Bude-Stratton.

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