A review of the Safer Summer Scheme in Bude

The Safer Summer Scheme, was introduced to provide additional resources over the summer months for busy locations around Cornwall by the Police and Crime Commissioner, Alison Hernandez. 

Bude was selected as a location that could benefit from this scheme to prevent anti-social behaviour and support social distancing at various locations over the summer months.

With the season now over, we look back at the positives and negatives of the scheme this year. 

The Marshals were kept busy right into the early hours keeping an eye on the social antics of visitors and locals alike. A lot of young people seemed to be out very late, especially when the weather was good.

They dealt with a lot with groups, reminding them to socially distance and moved them on form various pinch points. The marshal’s presence had a significant improvement to the Anti-Social Behaviour and litter around The Castle grounds at night.

The Marshalls had no police powers so called the police in if the situation warranted it, this worked well on some occasions but not always. The Marshals were also involved in a number of instances of finding / supporting vulnerable people.

The Police and Crime Commissioner wrote to the Mayor of Bude-Stratton with a letter of thanks. 

” I am writing to thank you, your local authority and other engaged parties for their efforts in the coordination of the Safer Summer Scheme in Bude. The scheme was introduced to provide additional resources to busy areas this summer, helping to prevent anti-social behaviour and promote social distancing, I feel the scheme serves as a great example of communities and policing working together. 

The efforts that you have made to keep your visitors and residents safe has not gone unnoticed, please extend my thanks and gratitude to all of those involved.”

More information can be found here: https://www.devonandcornwall-pcc.gov.uk/about-us/partnership-working/covid-19-safer-summer-scheme/

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