Bude-Stratton Town Council Re-establish Committees

Bude-Stratton Town Council Re-establish Committees

In a proactive move, Bude-Stratton Town Council has decided to re-establish committees reaffirming its commitment to enhancing the governance structure of the council.

The full list of committees are as follows:

  • Corporate and Democratic
  • Cultural and Heritage
  • Facilities and Environmental
  • Planning
  • Staffing

Each committee has a specific area of responsibility. Committee members will engage in comprehensive discussions on relevant items, make decisions and also submit well-considered recommendations to Full Council.

For those interested in delving deeper into the roles and responsibilities of each committee, information can be accessed via our website HERE.

There is an open invitation to members of the public to actively participate in these committee meetings, as your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our community. The schedule of these meetings can be found HERE.

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