Bude-Stratton Town Team

Bude-Stratton Town Council held an extraordinary Full Council meeting on Friday 16th October 2020 and agreed to the formation of a Bude-Stratton Town Team to drive local economic growth.

The Town Team will create a Bude-Stratton Town Plan, which will identify and support a small number of strategic projects to bring economic prosperity to the area.

We want to work in partnership with local public, private and voluntary sectors and the Town Team will need membership across the board that represents businesses, local authority and the voluntary sector.

In the short term, the Town Team will seek to access Cornwall Council Grants available from November. Beyond that, the aim is to gain government grants and stimulate investment in our local economy.

Previous success stories across Cornwall include Camborne, Penzance, St Ives and Truro who were selected by Central Government in 2019, as four of the 100 towns that will benefit from support from the new Towns Fund. Each area will benefit from up to £25 million of Government funding. 

This is an open call to join the Town Team and be part of this fantastic opportunity, we are seeking the following to represent the Bude-Stratton Community:

  • High Street Representatives up to 4
  • Voluntary sector up to 2
  • Education up to 2 representing Primary and Secondary sector
  • Youth Organisation X 1
  • Health Care sector X 1
  • Transport sector X 1

If you wish to be part of this exciting venture please put yourself forward, by emailing office@bude-stratton.gov.uk stating which position you wish to represent within the Town Team.

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