Enhancing Traffic Flow in Bude

Enhancing Traffic Flow in Bude

A consultation took place in August 2023 by Cormac Solutions Ltd on behalf of Cornwall Council for Crooklets Road and surrounding areas.

It was reported that overall, there was a mixture of responses to the proposals, with some support and some objections. All comments received were considered carefully before the final decision was made. A summary of the decision for each of the proposals is given below:

SN01 Crooklets Road – One-way & Virtual Footway

The implementation of a one-way driving restriction and the associated virtual footway will improve the existing situation for vulnerable road users, reducing the volume of traffic and potentially reducing vehicle speeds. It is unlikely to cause congestion as vehicles looking to access Flexbury can use Golf House Road to avoid Crooklets car park.

This proposal will be implemented as advertised.

SN01 Crooklets Road – Waiting restrictions

The implementation of the proposed waiting restrictions is deemed necessary to provide adequate traffic flow during busy periods. The option of seasonal parking bays had been previously investigated, but seemed to cause confusion among motorists, resulting in obstructive parking.

This proposal will be implemented as advertised.

SN02 Summerleaze Crescent

The implementation of the proposed restrictions is deemed necessary to prevent obstructive parking, particularly at peak times. However, it was agreed that additional signing at the turning areas may improve the existing situation by reducing the number parked vehicles.

This proposal will be implemented as advertised.

SN03 Ocean View Road

The implementation of the proposed restrictions is deemed necessary to prevent obstructive parking and long-term parking from camper vans. The ‘motor cars only’ restriction is already in place, the proposal will make this all year rather than seasonal, inline with other on-street parking bays in Bude. The introduction of double yellow lines will prevent parking on the pavement, whilst still allowing residents the ability to stop to load/unload when necessary.

This proposal will be implemented as advertised.

SN04 Breakwater Road

The implementation of the proposed restrictions brings this section of unrestricted parking inline with other bays within Bude. The aim is to so simplify the restrictions to improve compliance.

This proposal will be implemented as advertised.

See the proposal here: https://www.bude-stratton.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Infra23-071_SN04_Breakwater-Road-P01.pdf

Construction work has commenced. Please note that any new parking and driving restrictions will not come into effect until all the necessary works have been carried out on site.

For additional information on construction timescales, please visit the Roadworks section of Cornwall Council’s website at https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/transport-and-streets/roadworks/

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