Full Council Round-Up

Last week’s Full Council meeting saw a number of resolutions, following the election of Mayor Amanda Tame and Deputy Mayor Simon Bellamy to their positions. Below is a round-up, and further information will follow as each project develops.


Stratton Stores

Lengthy discussion took place regarding the proposal of Stratton Stores to relocate to the site of the Stratton toilets, given the uncertainty of its future in the current location.

The Council received many communications from the community in support of the proposals, and recognised the significance of any potential closure of the stores and Post Office for the town.

Ultimately, the Council resolved to support the principle of retaining a store and post office in Stratton, revoking its previous resolution to commit the site to housing only. The Town Clerk and nominated Cllrs were authorised to explore the financial and legal implications of the proposal and report back.


Summer Holiday Food and Activities Programme

Cllr Purchase’s proposal of providing a summer holiday Food and Activities Programme for children in the community, to assist with the cost of living crisis, was well received by all Councillors. The Council therefore resolved to support the principle of commissioning or providing a Food and Activities Programme.

There was much discussion about the logistics of delivering potentially a very ambitious programme within a short timeframe, and it was agreed that a project manager should be sought to establish the feasibility of the project.


Pride Month

The Council resolved to fully support Pride month in June, which will include flying the Pride flag at BSTC locations, lighting up the Castle with rainbow colours and waiving the costs for the Pride event at the Castle and Parkhouse Centre.


Tree update

The Men Shed Association and BARK will be commissioned to cut the main trunk into useable pieces for drying out and using in future projects. Additionally, some of the wood will be used to make the bases for trophies awarded at the World Surf Kayak Championships, which will be held at the end of September in Bude. The Council resolved that the Oversight Committee would discuss the use of the tree further, as there had not been a great deal of interaction from the public regarding the designs submitted by eight artists.


Real Living Wage

The Council resolved unanimously to become a real Living Wage Employer, which applies to all workers over the age of 18. The real Living Wage is calculated annually, based on the true cost of living, whereas the National Living Wage (Minimum Wage) is a percentage of average earnings. The current real Living Wage is £9.90 per hour.


Housing Survey

The Council also endorsed the sending of the Housing Needs Survey in conjunction with Cornwall Council. This survey is due to go live in early June, and every household in the Bude-Stratton parish will receive a letter in advance with details of how to complete the survey. The Council is keen to encourage a great take-up of this survey, as ultimately the responses will be used at both county and national level to better inform decision making regarding housing needs in our community.

Link to Annual Full Council meeting minutes can be found HERE


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