Get in touch & be heard

Contacting your Council couldn’t be easier. 


Public Meetings

Come to a Council Meeting! Members of the public are always welcome to attend, ask questions and speak at public Council meetings.

Full Council Meetings are held monthly, usually on the first Thursday of the month, at The Parkhouse Centre. The agenda is available for everyone to view in advance to give you time to pose questions. You will find it the Friday prior to the meeting, on the Town Council website here and on display in the foyer at The Parkhouse Centre.

The next Full Council meeting is this Thursday, 10 February. 6pm @ The Parkhouse Centre

Plus, the full meeting schedule for 2022/2023 is now available on the Town Council website here, so get those dates in your diary now as you’re also welcome to attend the Planning and Oversight Committee Meetings.


Message your Councillor

Put questions to your Councillors directly. You can email them – all their email addresses are available on the Town Council website here, and also on display in the foyer at The Parkhouse Centre. Many of our Councillors also have social media accounts, where you can see what they’ve been up to and message them directly.

Or pop a question on a good old fashioned piece of paper and into the post box in the foyer at The Parkhouse, and we’ll pick it up.


Contact the Office

If you’re not sure who is best to contact, we’re always happy to help you in the office. Email us Call us on 01288 353576. Or just pop in to see us (Parkhouse Council Offices, M-F, 9.30am-3.30pm). We can usually point you in the right direction and can certainly pass messages on.


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