Local Beer set to support The Compass Point Project

Local Micropub, The Barrel at Bude approached the Town Council with the initiative idea to produce a Beer to raise funds towards The Project, having hit the £50k crowd funding target to support the moving of the Storm Tower, additional funds raised will be used to support the extensive programme of events and activities that we are hoping to be able to produce and provide for the local community.

Working with a range of delivery partners such as schools, charities and other local organisations we would like to be able to offer a range of interactive and supportive activities to residents and visitors to the area. As well as provide educational resources and information about climate change, coastal erosion and the effects they are having in the area, local history, heritage and the environment to school children, businesses and the wider community. The programme of activities will look to engage the community with their local heritage, connecting people and place.

‘Storm Tower’ a Cornish Pale Ale, is being produced by local brewery Firebrand, based in Launceston, with distribution being organised by Ian at The Barrell.

Every 10p from each can, or pint will go directly towards The Compass Point Project, you will be able to purchase the beer from the 17th May in either cans from retail businesses or buy a pint at various local establishments.

The Compass Point Project fundraising is far from over, raising these additional funds over the summer is a vital way to ensure we can offer these activities and provide new and exciting resources for our community. The Heritage Lottery Bid being written by The Town Council will fund the majority of the physical work that is needed to move the Storm Tower with some being allocated to the activities being planned. However, there is no guarantee the bid will be successful. If you would like to undertake any fundraising activities to support the project please contact the Town Council at office@bude-stratton.gov.uk  To keep unto date with the latest news on The Compass Point Project keep an eye on www.stormtowerbude.co.uk 

If you are a business and would like to become a stocklist for the beer please contact Ian, contact@thebarrelatbude.com


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