New engagement platform for Bude Canal

Many people understandably expressed concerns about the Bude Canal during the drought this summer, and it’s just lovely to see the water levels back.
However, concerns for the state of the Canal and the vast amount of work required to secure its future are often raised during the public participation element of Full Council Meetings at BSTC.
You can stay up to date with all the latest Bude Canal and Harbour news on a public engagement platform set up by Cornwall Council at Let’s Talk Cornwall here:
It’s a really interesting page with information about the history of the Canal and Harbour as one of Bude’s most significant amenity spaces. The page is intended to help keep the community informed about the Canal, providing updates and a place to ask questions.
And if you are interested about the canal, please also visit the Bude Canal & Harbour Society website here:
Bude Canal & Harbour Society is registered charity set up to preserve, conserve and encourage the restoration of the Bude Canal and to encourage public education in the history and former use of the Bude Canal. 
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