Notice of Co-Option for Bude Ward

Bude-Stratton Town Council has a vacancy for the position of Councillor for the Bude Ward following the vacation of office by Derek Towl

The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors has not been fulfilled and the Town Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option. This will happen at its meeting on

Thursday 3rd September 2020 at 6.00 p.m. (online Zoom meeting)

Those who are interested in serving the community in this way and want to become a candidate for co-option should obtain an application form from the Town Clerk via the contact details above.  The form is also available here:

Application for co-option September 2020

Completed applications must be returned to the Town Clerk no later than:

Noon on Thursday 27th August 2020


Candidates for co-option will be required to attend the Full Council meeting on Thursday 3rdSeptember 2020 at 6.00pm, to make a short, 3 minute, address to the Town Council giving your reasons for wishing to be considered as a Town Councillor.


Keith Cornwell

Town Clerk & RFO

29th July 2020