Open Houses and Warm Spaces

The Open House / Warm Space programme has seen more than 150 attendees visit across three venues in Bude and Stratton, and an amazing 235 volunteer hours invested in the first six weeks of operation.

Visitors to the spaces have included those who work from home regularly who are looking for a break from their routine; a walking group that pops in to warm up and grab a hot drink after their exercise and families who return to kids’ play sessions weekly. Other visitors have accessed money saving advice and have been signposted to additional local services, including the newly-launched Community Larder and the Repair Cafe at Neetside. Some have just popped in to have a look and have subsequently volunteered their time.

Current hours are as follows:

The Parkhouse Centre – 10am-4pm on Mondays and Fridays

Neetside Community Centre – 10am-3pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

The Tree Inn, Stratton – 10am-4pm on Tuesday through to Saturday.

Additionally, the Bude & Stratton Branch of the Royal British Legion opens its doors on Wednesdays, 10am – 4pm at its HQ, 5 Burn View, Bude.

The programme is now being run by a dedicated co-ordinator, Vika Bundy. She can be contacted on if you are interested in volunteering or would just like to find out more.

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