Pesticide Free Bude-Stratton!

The initial phasing out of pesticides started last year by our facilities team in a bid to becoming a pesticide free Town, at January’s Full Council meeting it was resolved that the Town Council would cut out the use of glyphosate completely, in all its in-house and any future contracted operations.

The one exception would be in dealing with the Japanese knotweed, an aggressive invasive plant, currently without any other means of controlling. However, in this case glyphosate will only be stem-injected, rather than sprayed, to reduce its spread in the environment.

This is fantastic news as it also supports our environmental policy framework, helping us as we work towards becoming a greener town focusing on greater biodiversity for our natural habitats. We will be working on our pesticide free policy in the coming months, to ensure we maintain our commitment and look forward to becoming registered with the Pesticide Action Network, becoming only the second Local Council in Cornwall to achieve this status! Huge thanks to our facilities team for their hard work to achieve this!

In early 2020, Bude-Stratton Town Council committed to support the local community to achieve a sustainable and carbon-neutral future, that embraces the wellbeing of our residents, the environment and economic viability of Bude and Stratton. You can find out more about our strategy on our website.









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