Plans for New Youth Facility Move Forward

Plans for New Youth Facility Move Forward

Bude-Stratton Town Council has accepted the feasibility study for a dedicated youth facility at the sports pavilion, formerly used for Pitch & Putt, marking significant progress towards the planning phase of this exciting project. The new youth facility will not only serve local needs but will also contribute to Cornwall Council’s wider plans for youth provision in the area.

To ensure the project meets the needs of the community, Cllr Dawe and Cllr Aulsberry-Vockins will represent Bude-Stratton Town Council as part of a broader steering group focused on youth provision in the Bude area.

A drop-in session for local groups and organisations is scheduled for January. We will share our plans and vision for the space, while also listening to your ideas, so we can create a facility that best serves the younger members of our community. Leaders of local organisations and groups are encouraged to contact us if they’d like to be included on the invite list.

This much-needed space will provide younger residents with a dedicated place where they can feel a sense of belonging and purpose. These early discussions are key to understanding the community’s needs, helping us ensure the facility becomes a well-used and well-loved hub for our youth.

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