Precept held for 2023/2024

At last week’s Full Council meeting, the Council agreed the budget for 2023/2024 and decided not to raise the precept (the Bude-Stratton element of Council Tax).

The Bude-Stratton precept makes up around 11% of the total Council Tax bill, and this part has been frozen for next year, remaining the same at £248.28 per annum for a Band D property.

Mayor Amanda Tame said: “With the cost of living hitting hard, people are choosing between heating or food, and it will very likely get worse before it gets better. While our costs as a Council have gone up just like everyone else’s, we have voted not to raise next year’s Town Council precept.

“Many Councils across Cornwall are having to increase their precept in line with inflation and more, but we feel that this is the toughest year for many. We will look at other ways to close that shortfall and for this year, at least, we are providing the services the town needs without adding to everyone’s financial burden.”

The Council also considered a price increase for the 2023/24 financial year for charged services, which includes Parkhouse room hire, Castle rooms, wedding hire, outdoor spaces hire and cemetery fees – none of which were increased last year. A 5% increase was agreed across the board, which is currently half the rate of inflation. Additionally, car park charges will be raised from 80p per hour to 90p per hour.



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