Round-Up of Full Council Meeting 1 February 2024
Dive into the key outcomes of the Bude-Stratton Town Council meeting from 1 February 2024. This brief provides insights into discussions on environmental efforts, community projects and infrastructure developments in Bude. Stay informed about the latest council activities and how they’re shaping our community’s future.
Bude Climate Partnership
Members received an update from representatives of the Bude Climate Partnership and the Climate Jury. Positive feedback was received from the Environment Agency regarding the community meeting held at the Falcon Hotel on 15th January 2024. The Climate Jury presented recommendations for BSTC to consider, including supporting an awareness campaign and assisting with communications. An extraordinary Full Council Meeting will be held within three months to discuss these recommendations further.
Members agreed to receive recommendations from the Budehaven Community School mini-jury and to facilitate a meeting for the wider community within six months.
Mayors Report
The Mayor attended the Bude Climate Partnership/Jury community meeting and had attended a joint meeting with Bude Town Team and the Bude Climate Partnership to discuss governance arrangements for the Town Team.
Cornwall Councillor’s Update:
- Cornwall Councillor La Broy announced the successful funding from Cornwall Council for the installation of Astro turf and lighting at Budehaven Community School.
- Councillor La Broy confirmed he will be attending an informal meeting with Bude Golf Club representatives to discuss ongoing course improvements.
- Following a recent meeting with the Bude CCTV group, they have offered to install a camera near the Foyer public toilets using funding received from BSTC.
- Cllr La Broy will be meeting with Connect Bude and the Cornwall Council portfolio holder for transport to discuss transport to local health facilities.
- A meeting at the Cavanna Homes site discussed plans for reinstating the Mill Stone.
- Cllr La Broy has received requests from residents for a pedestrian crossing in Stratton. He also discussed the progress of the upgrade to Rodds Bridge and the canal dredging, including complaints from residents regarding the odour from the treatment works.
A long discussion took place regarding the Flag Policy as presented. It was agreed that the flag policy be re-examined and taken to the Corporate and Democratic Committee for approval. For February and March, the policy will be followed as written.
The Whistleblowing Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy were adopted.
IT Provider
The Town Clerk provided an overview of the current IT situation within BSTC, highlighting the need for system upgrades. Emphasising the importance of selecting a locally based provider capable of transitioning the systems to a cloud-based infrastructure, the Town Clerk reported that three potential providers have been contacted. An update on the progress of these discussions will be shared in a forthcoming meeting.
Cllr Moores was appointed as a member of the Corporate and Democratic Committee and Cllr O’Sullivan was appointed to the Planning Committee. This leaves one remaining vacancy on the Planning Committee.
Bridleway 11
Members resolved to object to the proposed diversion of Bridleway 11 due to concerns about the suitability of the proposed land and the subsequent difficulties that would cause Cornwall Council to maintain it.
Lead Councillor Updates
Cllr Corrigan Turner updated members on the activities of the Bee Team (MENCAP) who were providing accessible social activities for people with learning difficulties.
Cllr Herbert-Coulson updated members on the recent meeting with RBL regarding the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was noted as Thursday 7th March 2024.
For a more detailed account, please refer to the complete minutes on our website or watch the recording here.