Round-Up of Full Council 11 January 2024

Here’s your summary of items covered in the Full Council Meeting held on Thursday 11 January 2024:

Mayor’s Report

In the Mayor’s report, it was highlighted that the Mayor attended the Marhamchurch Parish Council meeting in December, focusing on discussions about the Hele Valley Trail, with thanks given by Cllr O’Sullivan for his attendance.

Cornwall Councillor Report

Cornwall Councillor La Broy provided updates, stating that the Bude Canal dredging is on schedule for completion by Easter 2024. The overspill area of the Crescent Car Park will be used for overnight camping for camper vans after the canal works finish. Cllr La Broy also reported on the progress of remedial work for the walkway to Summerleaze beach stating that a new project officer has been assigned. He also invited public input on public transport matters discussed at the Economic Growth Committee.

Cllr La Broy mentioned remaining Community Chest Funds, with intentions to allocate £1k to the police’s Shop Watch program, leaving £1k still available.

A tribute was also paid to Mark Blatchford, a long-standing member of the Bude Retained Fire Fighters who had passed away.

Service Level Agreement for Additional Parking Enforcement

Cornwall Council have provided the costs for additional on and off-street parking enforcement during the summer. The costs were stated as being Mon-Sat £42.40 per hour, Sun £53.00 per hour and Bank Holidays £63.60 per hour. It was agreed that BSTC would not take up the Service Level Agreement.

Community Infrastructure Levy

In relation to Community Infrastructure Levy monies (CIL), it was recommended and approved to ring-fence the funds held in BSTC reserves for use towards affordable housing, including Lords Court.

Appointment of the Town Clerk

The appointment of the Town Clerk, Tatiana Cant, was made retrospectively and formally minuted.

Agreement of Second Round of Grants 2023/24

The second round of grants has been received, reviewed, and were awarded as follows:

  • Bude Pilot Gig Club                        £2,500
  • Cognition Learning                        £2,500
  • Exercise 4 Mobility                         £  950
  • waVe Project                                   £  450
  • Bedazzled Theatre Group            £   450
  • Bude Explorer Scouts                   £   350
  • Bude Women’s Group                  £   499
  • Connect Bude                                £   375
Internal Audit Report

The Internal Audit Report highlighted recommendations, including an enhanced investment strategy, with an acknowledgment of the good practice to increase the precept at least in line with inflation.

His recommendation to increase the General Reserves from 3 months to 6 months would not be implemented this year.

Staffing Committee

The Staffing Committee Chair provided a verbal report on matters relating to the 2024/25 budget, agreeing to fund the Project Officer role from the Carbon Officer reserve fund. 

2024/25 Budget and Precept

The budget for Bude-Stratton Town Council for 2024/25 was agreed at a total of £2,405,206. The RFO reported that the BSTC element of the 2024/25 precept would be an increase of 98p per week for a Band D Property.

Bude Climate Partnership (BCP)

The Bude Climate Partnership (BCP) discussion resulted in the appointment of the Deputy Town Clerk as interim Chair for 3 months, with a review thereafter.

Lead Councillor Update

Cllr Dearing reported that Bude Climate Partnership would hold a meeting at the Falcon Hotel on 15 January to report on the outcome of the Climate Jury Sessions. All Cllrs were invited and encourage to attend.

Cllr Dearing and O’Sullivan reported that they had attended a ‘Meet the Cllr’ session which was held in Stratton. Both felt the residents they met with were very worthwhile.

Cllr Goode reported on the Town Team and had been invited onto a working group to talk about the team’s structure. Once the working group has met, more clarification will be able to be reported on.

Cllr Herbert-Coulson reported on the availability of information for the 80th anniversary of D-Day events on the BSTC website and conveyed congratulations to Godfrey Harrison of Bude RBL for being awarded the BEM for services to the Community of Bude-Stratton.

Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is Thursday 1st February 2024.

For a more detailed account, please refer to the complete minutes on our website or watch the recording here

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