Round-Up of Full Council

The Full Council met last week to consider a busy agenda, with updates on several items.

Armed Forces Covenant
Councillors voted to sign the Armed Forced Covenant and to appoint a Lead Councillor for the Armed Forces community. This covenant formalises BSTC’s commitment to providing more visible and ongoing support to the Armed Forces Community. It includes a new section on the BSTC website to share news of the contributions the Armed Forces community has made. For more details view the new webpage HERE. 

Stratton Stores
BSTC will take legal ownership of Stratton Stores on 19th April 2023. A Property Committee has been created to manage this, and other properties owned by BSTC. The Council has received letters of thanks and were pleased that the intervention to save the shop had been so positively received by the community.

Compass Point
The main contractor, Sally Strachey Historic Conservation, has been appointed. A start date has also now been set for 24th April 2023. This has generated a lot of positive publicity regarding the project locally and nationally.

Bude Town Team – Vision and Investment Plan
The Bude Town Team put forward, and members agreed, the revised terms of reference. The Bude Town Team confirmed a contract has now been awarded for the Vision and Investment plan. It was highlighted that the key consideration of this appointment was to ensure that a wide, and thorough consultation with the community takes place. Further details will follow.

Councillor Vacancies
There were three recent resignations from the Council from Martin Dorey, Paul Tilzey and Jamie Wright. They were thanked for all their hard work during their time with the Council. An election for Stratton ward has been called and the Notice of a vacancy for Bude ward has been issued. You can view the vacancies HERE.

Body Bounce
A one-year licence was granted with Body Bounce to run their bouncy castle operation once again on the former tennis courts on Summerleaze Downs for the summer 2023 season.

Lease Extension – Pitch and Putt Pavilion (Pearl Exchange)
The lease for the Pitch and Putt Pavilion to the Pearl Exchange (PE) has been extended for another year enabling them to continue providing support to young people in the area. Due to time constraints, it had not been possible to get expressions of interest from other groups wishing to use the building, however the PE are open to other user groups sharing the facilities.

Parkhouse Bar
Following the tender process it was confirmed that an offer has been accepted for the Licence of the Parkhouse bar. This new licence will further enhance the facilities available to users of the Parkhouse Centre.


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