Round-Up of Full Council 7 December 2023

Here’s the summary of items covered in the latest Full Council Meeting:

Public Participation:
A member of the public expressed disagreement with an article in the Bude & Stratton Post about Lords Court and Stratton Post Office and reported that the Council had saved a vital service to residents.

In addressing various community concerns, Cornwall Councillor Tilbey will specifically handle traffic and parking-related issues. These include promptly addressing resident parking inquiries, responding to concerns about speed limit signage in Bush, Stratton, and acknowledging the need for a road crossing on New Road in Hawthorne Ave, Bude.

A question was raised about the public toilets in Stratton. Clarification was provided, indicating that one side has been fully renovated and is now open to the public.

Connect Bude:
Connect Bude took the opportunity to share a detailed account of their formation history during a recent presentation to our members. Alongside the presentation, they distributed informative leaflets that shed light on their mission, goals, and the positive impact they aim to make in our community. In reaching out to both the Council and the public, Connect Bude expressed a genuine need for support to propel their initiatives forward.

Mayor’s Report:
The mayor was pleased to share that the Deputy Lieutenant of Cornwall attended the Bude Remembrance Day parade, adding significance to the event. He gave thanks to BSTC staff for their hard work in making the parade a success.

Looking forward, the mayor gave details for the Christmas lights switch-on: Friday 8th December, at 5:30 pm in the Triangle.

Reports from Cornwall Councillors:
Cornwall Councillor Tilbey played an active role in proceedings by participating in various committees. His attendance included insightful verbal reports during discussions, shedding light on the deliberations of both the Children & Families Overview & Scrutiny Committee and the Devon & Cornwall Police Overview & Scrutiny Committee. In the course of these reports, Cornwall Councillor Tilbey engaged with the audience, responding to questions posed from the floor. 

Compass Point Works:
The Project & Strategy Manager (PSM) took the opportunity to provide an overview of the circulated paper. Following consideration of the presented information, the Council reached a consensus to approve the use of £15,000 from the project reserves budget. Additionally, the Council decided to set aside up to £20,000 as a new contingency from the same budget.

School Food Support Proposal:
In the absence of Councillor Hanna, Councillor Purchase presented a proposal to the council for the funding of a 1-year school food support pilot program for an anticipated 40 children. The proposed total cost for the 1-year school food support pilot amounted to £19,000.

A discussion took place regarding the strategic plan for financial allocation. It was agreed that £13,300 would be funded by precept in year 25/25 (Sept 24 – Mar 25 academic term), £5,700 to be funded by precept in 25/26 (Apr 25-Jul 26 academic terms).

In addition to these precept allocations, it was agreed that £8,000 would be allocated from reserves for the period of January 2024 to March 2024, covering the winter costs of the programme.

Draft Budget for 2024/25:
The Council extended the Budget Precept submission timeline to after the January 2024 Full Council meeting for a thorough examination of the upcoming fiscal year.

Members of the Facilities & Environment Committee and the Cultural & Heritage Committee had reviewed proposed allocations, ensuring alignment with the council’s strategic goals and community needs.

The Corporate & Democratic Committee had deferred budget discussions. Subsequently, the Chairs of Committees and officers had since met and presented these budgetary suggestions to Full Council. After discussions, members agreed to set up an additional meeting to discuss the draft budget before finalising the 2024/25 precept.

Endorsement of Town Team Vision and Investment Plan:
The Deputy Town Clerk (DTC) outlined the details of the Town Team Vision and Investment Plan. The overview provided insight into the proposed initiatives, highlighting the strategic goals and potential benefits for the community.

After consideration members unanimously endorsed the Town Team Vision and Investment Plan. This endorsement signifies the Council’s formal approval and support for the proposed vision, recognising its alignment with the town’s objectives and its potential to contribute positively to the local community.

Updates from Lead Councillors:
Councillor Herbert-Coulson has commenced discussions with Armed Forces representatives to discuss details for the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day next year.

Councillor Goode gave updates on measures being taken to mitigate flooding at The Strand, outlining ongoing efforts to address the issue effectively. Additionally, Councillor Goode brought attention to GPS-related challenges in collaboration with Cornwall Council highways, emphasising the importance of resolving these issues for the benefit of the local community.

Next Meeting:

Thursday 11th January 2024.

For a more detailed account, please refer to the complete minutes on our website or watch the recording here.