Round-Up of Full Council Meeting 7 March 2024

Round-Up of Full Council Meeting 7 March 2024

Delve into the key outcomes of the Bude-Stratton Town Council meeting held on 7th March 2024. This concise summary offers valuable insights into discussions spanning various topics, including community projects, infrastructure updates, and policy decisions. Stay informed about the latest developments and initiatives shaping the direction of our community.

Mayors Report

A statement was read out by Cllr Mike Dawe regarding a Code of Conduct Decision Notice.

Councillor Mike Dawe shared updated on recent activities and community engagements. Due to the wet weather, the reopening of the Storm Tower which he was due to attend, has been postponed to 26th March. The Mayor expressed appreciation for the successful opening of Katy’s Corner and the accompanying tree planting ceremony, highlighting the positive community feedback and the involvement of children in the event. Councillor Dawe also noted Councillor Purchase’s attendance at a Lego event on his behalf, commending the high-quality displays by PlymLUG.

Cornwall Councillor’s Update

Councillor La Broy provided insights into Cornwall Council’s budget, which has increased by 4.99% due in part to rising social care costs. He discussed the challenge of maintaining financial stability and the potential risk of entering special measures in the future.

Cllr La Broy provided an update on Rodd’s Bridge, which is currently closed due to significant damage found on its underside. He has been actively advocating for the exploration of solutions to address the bridge’s low clearance from the water, including the possibility of a moveable bridge. However, engineers from Cornwall Council have assessed these options and deemed them not feasible. In response to this assessment, Cllr La Broy has been working to try to secure an extension of the budget for the bridge’s repairs. The focus is on raising the deck height as much as possible and making the deck from a lightweight material so that it could be easily removed should funds become available for a moveable bridge at a later date.

Councillor La Broy provided an update with the progress on the dredging efforts. He noted that as the work on the upper basin wraps up, the machinery will be relocated to the main harbour basin in the coming week, signalling the next phase of the project. Additionally, he voiced his concerns regarding the potential sale of Newquay Airport, committing to share more details as they unfold.

On a community-related matter, Councillor La Broy discussed feedback received from an informal consultation about Cormac’s proposal to replace the wooden footbridge at Crooklets with one made from recycled plastic. Reflecting the community’s preference, he intends to advocate for retaining the bridge’s traditional wooden structure in any future plans.


The Council approved a series of policy recommendations from the Corporate & Democratic Committee, encompassing the Transparency Policy, the London Bridge Protocol, and the Social Media Policy, with a slight adjustment to the latter. The discussion regarding the Flag Flying Protocol concluded with a consensus to return the matter to the Corporate & Democratic Committee for further deliberation. 

Pitch & Putt Facility

The Council agreed to explore the potential of repurposing the Pitch & Putt building for a youth facility and to investigate short term commercial leasing options for the 2024 season.

Town Team

The Deputy Town Clerk provided an update on the development of a governance model for the Town Team. During this discussion, Councillor Purchase highlighted a Point of Order, noting that a resolution was passed at the January Full Council Meeting to obtain legal advice, which has yet to be received. This Point of Order was acknowledged, leading to the decision to defer any further action on the item until the awaited legal advice is provided.

Food and Activity Programme for 2024

Members agreed to appoint Liam Dart LJD Coaching to deliver the programme for 2024.

Compass Point Project Update

The update on the Compass Point Project noted the rescheduling of the opening ceremony from 5th to 26th March due to heavy rainfall causing delays. These adverse weather conditions hindered the ground workers’ ability to bring machinery and materials to the site preventing the completion of necessary groundwork prior to the original ceremony date. Additionally, from a health and safety perspective, the site was deemed unsafe for public access under these conditions.

Despite these setbacks, a small team remains on site, focusing on clearing away debris and dismantling the compound. Following this, efforts will be made to enhance drainage and flatten the terrain from the tower area, extending past the old site towards Church Path. The path itself will undergo scraping to facilitate further improvements. These remedial actions are essential for the land’s recovery, which will require some time. While the land cannot be closed off to the public, signage will be installed to encourage minimal foot traffic, aiding the rehabilitation process. The project team, including an ecologist, is dedicated to overseeing the long-term restoration of the area, with plans spanning one and five years.

Amid these challenges, there’s a silver lining: the tower itself has been completed to a remarkably high standard, showcasing the quality of workmanship involved in this project.

Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultant

Progress on the Neighbourhood Development Plan continues with the selection of Stuart Todd Associates as the consulting firm. Their quote of £3,397 for preliminary work has been accepted. A successful grant application has secured £4,481, covering consultancy fees and software costs. The completion of preliminary tasks remains on track for the end of March, with an opportunity to apply for further funding in April, potentially up to £10,000. The Council has approved the appointment of Stuart Todd Associates.

Holsworthy & Stratton Agricultural Show

Members agreed that the Council will attend the 2024 show.

Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was noted as Thursday 4th April 2024.

For a more detailed account, please refer to the complete minutes on our website or watch the recording here

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