Summary of Full Council Meeting 1 August 2024

Summary of Full Council Meeting 1 August 2024

The Full Council meeting held on 1 August 2024 covered a wide range of topics important to the Bude-Stratton community. Key discussions included updates on local intiatives, policing matters and community events, alongside important deicsions on policies, financial matters and support for local projects. Below is a summary of the key points from the meeting. 

Civility and Respect Pledge
The meeting began with the Mayor reading the Civility and Respect pledge to emphasise the importance of respectful conduct.

Public Participation
Community members raised several issues, including updates on the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) review, local policing concerns and the Police and Crime Commissioner costs. There were also discussions on a replacement fountain for The Triangle and the Cornwall Council consultation on the proposed road infrastructure changes on The Strand.

Code of Conduct Complaint
The chair addressed a recent Code of Conduct complaint involving Councillor S Haynes, with the decision notice being formally noted.

Mayor’s Report
The Mayor reported on various local events he attended, including the Bude Animal Friends event, Heritage Day, Bude Pride and a Town Team meeting. Upcoming participation in the Holsworthy and Stratton show was also mentioned.

Cornwall Councillor’s Reports
Councillor Tilbey highlighted road safety issues at Union Hill in Stratton. He attended the Adult and Social Care Scrutiny Committee, provided updates on oral health and fluorination of the water supply for Cornwall and local policing meetings. He also mentioned the involvement of the Cornish Youth Council at a recent Cornwall Council meeting.

Local Policing Update
The Bude Neighbourhood Beat Manager announced the recruitment of an additional beat officer and noted an increase in crime figures, but this increase was also attributed to improved detection rates. Efforts are underway to secure funding for additional patrols during the summer months to build resilience.

Minutes and Committee Reports
The minutes from the Full Council meeting on 4th July were approved. Reports from the committee meetings in July were received and noted. The Noticeboard and Procurement policies were adopted and repairs to the Bude Library doors were approved.

Internal Auditor Reappointment
The council reappointed Paul Russell as the Internal Auditor for the 2024/25 financial year, confirming his independence and competence.

Financial Matters
The Quarter 1 budget was noted, reserves movement was approved and a CCTV upgrade for Bude Library was agreed upon. The finance reports including payments made and to be made were approved.

Stratton School Community Hub Support
The council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Stratton School Community Hub’s CIL application.

Forest for Cornwall Consultation
Members were urged to participate in the consultation regarding the Forest for Cornwall planting initiative in Bude.

Ally Flag Request
A request to fly the Ally Flag was discussed including the requirement for planning consent, with costs to be covered by the requesting party as per the Council’s Flag Policy. Following discussion, the request was declined.

Committee Vacancies
Vacancies on the Planning and Cultural & Heritage Committees remain open as no members put themselves forward. This will be revisited in future meetings.

Lead Councillor Updates
Creative and Digital Hub Initiative
Councillor Haynes, representing the Town Team, provided an update on a recent Town Team meeting he attended with Councillor Dawe. The discussion centred around a potential new project – a Creative and Digital Hub for Bude. This initiative is in its early stages, with the next critical step being a feasibility study to assess the project’s viability. The council noted this update.

Summer of Wellbeing Festival
Councillor Corrigan-Turner announced that the Summer of Wellbeing Festival is scheduled to take place at the Parkhouse Centre on 3rd August. The event will focus on promoting health and wellbeing within the community, featuring representatives from the NHS and other organisations. This festival aims to bring together various resources and support networks for the benefit of residents.

Support for Armed Forces Veterans
Councillor Herbert-Coulson provided details on ongoing support efforts for local Armed Forces veterans. A “Brew & Banter” session has been organised at Berries Avenue Café, offering veterans a space to socialise and connect. Additionally, preparations for the Remembrance Day road closures have been completed.

Bude Climate Partnership and Sustainable Tourism
Councillor Purchase updated the council on the Bude Climate Partnership activities, highlighting the recruitment of a new chair to lead the organisation. The Partnership is currently engaged in the Sustainable Tourism Project, which aims to balance tourism growth with environmental sustainability. The council agreed to formalise its support by instructing the Acting Town Clerk to write a letter of endorsement for the project.

The council was informed that MP Ben Maguire would meet with councillors on 6th August 2024

Next Meeting
The next Full Council meeting is scheduled for 5th September 2024.

For a more detailed account, please refer to the complete minutes on our website or watch the recording here
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