Support for Bude Town Centre

Bude-Stratton Town Council is working with Cornwall Council to assist in the safe opening of our Town Centre and support wider business activity as we come out of the second lockdown.

The Town Council is accessing the ‘Reopening Highstreets Safely Fund’ – which is EU money – to provide two “Information Officers” who will patrol the Town Centre encouraging social distancing and pedestrian flow through the Town.

This will not cost local taxpayers anything and will help keep our community safe and hopefully stay in tier one. The Information Officers will be active on every shopping day until Christmas, over the Christmas holidays and then every Saturday in January and February.

In addition to this Cornwall Council are using other funds to provide a Covid Ambassador service, who will regularly visit across the wider area of Bude-Stratton and provide broader coverage of information and monitoring.

They will work with Cornwall Council’s Covid Team who can bring in additional resources and advice to help local businesses maintain Covid secure arrangements.

Finally, Cornwall Council is also arranging – again under the ‘Reopening Highstreets Safely Fund’ for ‘Higher Beings Circus’ to carry out Town Centre walkabouts to reinforce, in a fun and entertaining way with shoppers the social distancing/keep right messaging and to make their shopping experience more enjoyable in the run-up to Christmas.

They are due to visit Bude on Thursday 17th December.

We are urging everyone to remember – Hands, Face, Space- at all times, and continue to work together to keep each other safe.

The Reopening High Streets Safely Fund supports the safe reopening of high streets and neighbourhood shopping areas across Cornwall and is part-funded by The European Regional Development Fund.

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