Town Council Grants

Bude-Stratton Town Council (BSTC) is committed to supporting community groups and individuals who make a positive difference to Bude and Stratton Parish. The Town Council administers grants to local community and voluntary organisations which operate for the benefit of residents within the Parish, and which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support. Applications that demonstrate a diverse range of recipients are especially encouraged, and we also welcome applications that demonstrate they complement the BSTC strategic objectives, which can be found HERE. Applications are expected to show that the service provided is needed by the community, and that it has community support. 

What can the grant be used for?

We welcome the community to come forward with their ideas. Examples may include:

  • Funding for a new project, setting up a new group or local forum
  • Funding for capital items that will help the organisation, eg equipment
  • Events, training and/or capacity building
  • Exceptional organisation running costs, such as wages, for a focused time on a project

The grant can act as part funding for a project which has been the subject of a previous application, but evidence of how the previous funding was spent will be needed. BSTC will consider more than one grant per group or organisation in each financial year if clear, exceptional circumstances or separate projects are demonstrated. 

Please note that if working with children and young people or vulnerable adults, organisations should have an appropriate safeguarding policy.

In general, it would be expected that any grant awarded would be spent within one year.

Who can apply?

  • You are a resident of the areas administered by the Town Council (unless a clear benefit to the inhabitants of the town can be demonstrated). You can find a boundary map HERE
  • You are socially inclusive and your membership is consistent with the BSTC Equality and Diversity Statement found HERE

For full details , eligibility and restrictions, please read the Grant Policy, linked below.

How much can I apply for?

BSTC has a total grant allocation of £20,000 for the year 2024/2025, which will be divided equally between each of the two rounds of funding.

When & how to apply? 

Grant applications will be considered by BSTC twice a year. The submission deadlines for the two rounds of funding in 2024 are as follows: 

  • 17 May 2024 (1st round)
  • December (Date TBC) 2024 (2nd round)

Applicants will be expected to complete an application form in order to apply for a grant, although as BSTC wishes to operate an inclusive applications policy, applications which are not in this format, ie presentations or videos, will also be considered. 

Please submit all enquiries and applications for a grant to:

The Town Clerk, Bude-Stratton Town Council, The Parkhouse Centre, Ergue Gaberic Way, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LD



All applications will be reviewed initially by Town Council staff to ensure that they are eligible for consideration. You may be contacted for further information. Following initial assessment, there will be an opportunity to speak with councillors at a private meeting to clarify any queries. The final decision will be concluded by Councillor vote at a Full Council, to which the public are always invited. Minutes of public meetings are available from the BSTC Office and on this website. 


Bude Pilot Gig boat, Bedehaven
Bude Pilot Gig Club has been in touch to thank BSTC for its grant and to let us know it launched its newly refurbished wooden racing gig Bedehaven in March 2023, following a complete refurbishment. This included removing many layers of old paint to take her back to wood and then a fresh coat of speciality marine paint and new signage. The floor of the gig was also replaced as some of the boards were damaged through wear and tear.
The Bude Pilot Gig Club was awarded a £2,000 grant towards this project in January 2023.