Mayor of Bude-Stratton Town Council

Steve Haynes Mayor 2024/25

The Mayor is the Chairman of the Council, they are a Councillor elected by all Councillors at the Annual Council Meeting in May and serve for the municipal year. Their role is to manage the Council meeting and direct the debate in accordance with the rules (Standing Orders). They have very little individual power, however, there are some specific powers held by the Chairman, they can call an extraordinary meeting of the Council and they carry a casting vote in the event of a tie.

The position of Mayor is a busy and varied one. As well as chairing the Council meeting, the Mayor has a ceremonial role that involves attending a variety of engagements throughout the civic year including parades, civic receptions and general visits.

Cllr Steven Haynes was voted in by his fellow Cllrs at the Full Council meeting on 2nd May 2024.