Climate Emergency

Bude-Stratton Town Council declared a Climate Emergency on 5th September 2019. With an immediate threat to our environment and fragile location along the coast our way of life could be fundamentally changed. 

Taking action now is fundamental to limiting this damage. Our Climate Action Plan outlines how we will act. 

The Town Council commissioned a Carbon Audit as part of our Climate Action Plan commitment towards reaching carbon neutrality by 2030.

The audit now complete and 109 pages long states Bude-Stratton Town Council has a carbon footprint of 99.2 tonnes per annum. This is a fraction of the 4.1 million tonnes that Cornwall Council’s carbon audit calculated was produced across the whole of Cornwall each year. Nonetheless, the Town Council is working hard to reduce its footprint.

We have already switched to 100% green electricity tariffs that will take 31 tonnes pa off the total and we are now working through the report’s recommendations to determine what other investments can be made to reduce it to zero by 2030.

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