The Future of Bude-Stratton

In 2020, Bude-Stratton Town Councillors and Staff set about building their Corporate Narrative.

A Corporate Narrative is a way of telling a story about who we are, what we stand for, and our plans for the future and allows us to share these plans and key messages with residents, staff and partners.  It also allows us to detail our vision and priorities clearly. 

We want to hear from you!

Shaping the future of Bude-Stratton depends on good engagement between residents and local Council. Look out for future consultation items as well as regular news items from us.

You can follow us on social media, sign up to our monthly news letter and keep an eye out for notices at various points around the area.

You can also attend any of the Council meetings, they all have public participation sections. Alternatively you can contact your local Councillors directly to raise your views.