BSTC is looking for people who love trees to become volunteer Tree Champions!

The hope is to create a small network of volunteers across Bude-Stratton who have a keen interest in trees and a desire to see developers keep their promises when it comes to ecological commitments. Tree Champions will:

  • Support the Town Council to assess and monitor planning applications
  • Make sure developers fulfil their obligations
  • Protect trees from unnecessary felling
  • Identify suitable areas for new tree planting

Joint Lead Councillor for Environment & Biodiversity and also for Climate Change, Cllr Philippa Purchase explained: “I think we’re all aware of the importance of trees – they provide us with oxygen, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere helping to tackle climate change, they help reduce air pollution, they provide homes for lots of wildlife and they make us feel better!

“We’re also aware that the Bude-Stratton area doesn’t have a lot of trees, which means that the trees we already have are even more precious. Unfortunately when new homes are built or older homes redeveloped its often the case that surrounding trees are sacrificed. And our Town Council wants to do all it can to avoid unnecessary tree removal or damage associated with housing development.  So we’ve agreed to set up a tree champions network based on an idea being used in Falmouth.”

The aim is to have local people who are prepared to evaluate planning applications to see if the trees can be retained, to read ecological surveys and see what protections are being proposed for tree and hedgerows on the site, and to keep an eye on the developers as they do their work to make sure that any conditions relating to trees and hedgerows are being carried out.

If you think this could be you, please get in touch with the BSTC office at 

Ideally, we’d like to recruit 3 or 4 volunteers initially, including someone who would be prepared to co-ordinate the group. A get together will then be arranged for prospective volunteers to find out what’s involved. Training will also be provided, both in understanding the planning system as it relates to trees, and some more in-depth tree knowledge delivered by the Forest for Cornwall team at Cornwall Council.

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