Town Council Meetings

Town Council meetings run throughout the year. Full Council is a monthly meeting for all Councillors where items are presented, debated and then resolved or rejected by the Councillors. The output of these meetings and the Committee meetings are what drives Council business.

In addition to Full Council there are five committees:

  • Corporate & Democratic  Services Committee who meet 8 or 9 times a year. 
  • Cultural & Heritage Services Committee who meet 8 or 9 times a year.
  • Facilities & Environmental Services Committee who meet 8 or 9 times a year. 
  • Planning Committee who meet twice a month.
  • Staffing Committee who meet around 4 times a year.

Each Councillor has the opportunity to become a member of any of the committees, each committee has voting members.

Town Council Meetings are open to the Public and Press to attend and there is an item on each agenda for Public Participation where individuals may address the meeting. 

Full Council

Full Council meets once a month, ordinarily on the first Thursday at 6.00pm

All Town Councillors have a vote at Full Council which is chaired by the Mayor of Bude-Stratton Town Council – Councillor Steve Haynes with Deputy Mayor Councillor Ethan Hanna.

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